On September 7, in Frost-trol we held a Team Building day with different activities to develop skills and enhance the spirit of teamwork. The first part of the...

The outdoor training focuses on people's ability to learn through direct experience through situations and activities in which the person has to develop their skills.

This methodology is based on thinking, observing, feeling and doing through experiential learning, which combines theory with experiences and seeks to improve competencies such as leadership, teamwork, decision-making, communication, integration, conflict resolution, commitment, interpersonal relationships, work team motivation, stress management and self-esteem.

In the case of the Frost-trol outdoor, the execution of these activities was carried out in a natural place where the environment helped to disconnect from the usual work environment and thus be able to take different attitudes in all members of the team and increase the climate of confidence.

"We must be clear that we are all a team and that attitude, communication and Planning are key to act as such, we all have our bit to contribute and that has to be the important part of all of us", so concluded the day Roberto Solsona, CEO of Frost-trol.